Hello to one and all! I cannot believe that we are approaching the end of April. Time is flying by and we are on the last couple of unit for the school year. Here are the updates for my classes this week.

6th Religion

Sixth grade will take their test on unit 4 on Tuesday, April 25th. Then, as we begin unit 5, we will look at what happened to the people of Judah after they returned from captivity, and then we will begin studying the New Testament. There is no memory verse this week.

6th Social Studies

Sixth grade is also wrapping up a unit of study in social studies. They will take their test on Topic 7: The Roman Republic on Wednesday, April 26th. Then, we will begin studying the Roman Empire, which will tie in with the events we will study from the New Testament in religion.

7th Religion

In seventh grade religion, we will wrap up unit 4 by looking at our identity in Christ. Then, we will begin reviewing for their test on unit 4, which will be on Friday, April 28th.

7th Social Studies

Seventh grade will be studying the settlement of the West this week. They will learn about the Oregon Trail and Territory, the complicated history of Texas, and the land known as the Mexican Cession. They will learn about the different kinds of people who moved west, and how this settlement exacerbated the issue of slavery in the United States. Their test on Topic 6 will be on Friday, May 5th.

8th Religion

In religion this week, the students will continue to work on their third trimester project, Design a House of Worship. They have been working diligently in class, and I am very excited to see the results. There is no memory verse this week.

8th Social Studies

To start the week, we will study the pivotal battles of World War II, and how the United States helped the Allies defeat the Axis Powers. We will also touch upon the consequences both Japan and Germany faced for their war crimes. Then, we will begin reviewing Topic 14: World War II and the test will be on Tuesday, May 2nd. On May 3rd, we will visit the Nassau County Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center. If you have not yet returned your child’s permission slip, a copy may be found on the Google Classroom.