I hope everyone reading this is doing well and in good health. We have a very busy three days of school this week, so here are the updates.
6th Social Studies
Sixth grade will have their test on Topic 7: The Roman Republic, on Tuesday, April 12th. They should review from the packet on the Google Classroom.
6th Religion
This week we will be finishing the last three lessons from unit 4. We will finish our study of the Book of Daniel, and then we will learn about Queen Esther saving her people. After Easter, we will review the unit, and the test will be on Friday, April 29th.
7th Social Studies
Seventh grade will have their test on the Age of Jackson on Tuesday, April 12th. They should review from the packet posted on the Google Classroom. Extra help will be on Monday after school until 3:40 pm.
8th Social Studies
Eighth grade will have their test on Topic 13: Prosperity (1920s) and Depression (1930s) on Tuesday, April 12th. They should study from the packet on the Google Classroom. Extra help will be Tuesday morning at 7:30 am.
8th Religion
This week we will be studying the short, but powerful Book of Jonah. This is the last lesson of Unit 4, and the test will be after Easter, on Friday, April 29th.