Welcome back to a new, fresh week, and the start of the third month of our school year! Last week we celebrated Spirit Week, and a good time was had by all. This week, we are getting back to our regular routine. Here are the plans for this week.

7th Social Studies

To start this week, the students are working on commercials and advertisements to encourage people to settle in the American colonies. They will present to the class on Tuesday, and I am very much looking forward to seeing their creativity on display. We will then get into te settlement of the 13 original English colonies, beginning with the New England colonies.

8th Social Studies

The students of eighth grade are continuing to study how the Western United States changed after the Civil War. We will finishing up learning about the Native Americans, and then we will go into the lives of the cattle ranchers and homesteaders.

8th Religion

In class this week, the students will be learning about the Ten Commandments, and then how the people behaved while in the wilderness en route to the Promised Land. The memory verse for this week is Romans 8:28, which is found on page 25 of the student book, or here. Also, your child should be working on the first trimester project, the Tough Times Tool Kit. This is due on Monday, November 5th, and the students will present their projects to the class.

Have a blessed week, and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.