Welcome back to a fresh week at Trinity! I hope this post finds everyone in good health. Here are the updates for this week.

6th Religion

For the last few lessons in religion class, we have been talking a lot about family dynamics within Abraham’s family and his descendants. This week we will focus primarily on trusting God during times of testing. We will be studying the book of Job, which historically, happened during the same time period as the later chapters of Genesis. He went through terrible times, but never once lost faith in God. He is certainly a great example for all of us living through 2020. The memory verse for this week is Jeremiah 29:11. The quiz will be on Thursday, as usual.

6th Social Studies

This week we will be wrapping up learning about Mesopotamia, and then we will begin reviewing for their chapter 3 test, which will be on Wednesday, October 28th. You may view the study guide here. Before we begin reviewing, the students will learn about the later cultures of the Fertile Crescent, the most famous of whom were the Babylonians.

7th Social Studies

This week we will begin studying the settlement of the first English colonies in what is now the United States. There are many conspiracy theories and false narratives about some of the events and people of this time period, so the students will be working on research projects in class this week to find out the truth about these events and people. They will present their projects in class next week. They will research the truth about Pocahontas, the “lost colony” of Roanoke, and the truth about the first Thanksgiving. I look forward to seeing their presentations.

8th Social Studies

This week is entirely dedicated to reviewing for the chapter 16, Reconstruction, test, which is on Thursday, October 22nd. You may view the study guide here. Next week, we will switch gears completely and begin studying the life in the “Old West”.

8th Religion

In religion this week, we will be completing the last lesson in Unit 1- comparing the Lord’s Supper to the events and objects of the Passover. Then, the students will complete the unit 1 review, which you may view here. The test will be on Wednesday, October 28th. Since the students are off this Friday, there is no memory quiz this week.