Greetings to one and all! This is a bog week in seventh and eighth grade social studies; both classes have chapter tests on Tuesday. That being said, extra help will be available Tuesday morning starting at 7:30.

7th Social Studies

The test on Tuesday will be on Chapter 9. This included topics such as the changes made by President Jefferson, the Lewis and Clark expedition, and the War of 1812. You may view the study guide here. Later this week, the students will learn about the presidency of Andrew Jackson.

8th Social Studies

On Tuesday, the students will be tested on Chapter 24, World War II. You may view the study guide here. Later in the week, we will begin studying the Cold War Era, picking up right where we left off with the end World War II.

8th Religion

This week we will begin Unit 5, which will go into the years that the Israelites and Judeans were exiled in Babylon. We will start by studying the leaders of this time period, whose actions brought about the Babylonian captivity. Then we will study the writings of the prophets of this era, such as Jeremiah and Ezekiel.