Welcome back to a new week and a new month! We have lots going on in all of our classes, so here are the latest updates.

7th Social Studies

The seventh grade students just learned about how the Constitution and Bill of Rights came to be the law of our nation, and this week the students will be working on in class projects all about the Bill of Rights. The students will have the option to choose between writing a song about the Bill of Rights, or creating an illustrated guide to the Bill of Rights. The following week they will review the chapter, and the test will be on Friday, March 15th. You may view the study guide here.

8th Social Studies

The students of the eighth grade just finished learning about heroes and fads of the 1920s and are currently working on researching important figures of this decade. We will end our study of the Roaring Twenties with a lesson on the sudden economic decline that led to the Great Depression. They too will have a test on Thursday, March 14th. You may view the study guide here.

8th Religion

The students will have their Unit 3 test on Monday, March 4th. It will be an open Bible test. You may view the study guide here. The next unit will begin with studying the construction of Solomon’s Temple, and then will go into what happened to the Kingdom of Israel following Solomon’s death. There is no memory quiz this week.