Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! I hope each of you had a restful break and a blessed Easter. This week there are many events going on here at Trinity. Tuesday is Career Day, Wingo is this Friday evening, and the 8th grade will finally take their trip to Washington, D.C.! However, we do have work to get done. Here are the plans for this week.

7th Social Studies

This week we will be studying the early presidents- Washington and Adams, and how their actions set the precedence for future presidents. No tests are scheduled in the near future.

8th Social Studies

This week we will be focusing on the pop culture of the 1920s, before leaving for Washington. The students will learn about the Jazz Age and the Harlem Renaissance, then they will complete research on a celebrity from the 1920s.

8th Religion

This week we will begin by studying King Josiah, and how as a young man, he led his people away from idolatry and back to God. We will also be talking about the things in our own lives that could be considered “idols”. They will be completing an activity asking them to think about how they use their time and what it is that takes their focus away from building a relationship with God.

In closing, please remember that you can reach me at any time via email, and I will respond within 24 hours. Open communication is always in the best interest of our students.