Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! I trust each of you had a blessed Easter and a wonderful break. We are back to a regular class schedule, so the updates for this week are as follows.

7th Social Studies

This week we are finishing up Chapter 9, The Era of Thomas Jefferson. We will be wrapping up with the War of 1812, which many consider to be the second Revolutionary War. The student will then review the chapter and prepare for the test on Tuesday, May 7th. You may view the study guide here.

8th Social Studies

This week we will be reviewing Chapter 24, World War II, which will culminate in our field trip to the Nassau County Holocaust Museum and Memorial this Friday, May 3rd. The test will be on Tuesday, May 7th. You may view the study guide here.

8th Religion

Prior to the Easter break, we finished up the lessons of Unit 4, so this week we will review and then test on Unit 4. The test will be this Thursday, May 2nd. You may view the study guide here. Extra help will be Thursday morning at 7:30.