Happy Reformation Day! Yes, I realize that for most, October 31st means Halloween, but for Christians, we cannot forget that October 31, 1517, was a revolutionary day for the church This video sums it up well.

7th Social Studies

This week we will be focusing on the settlement of the 13 English Colonies and the distinct cultures in each region. Throughout the chapter we will especially emphasize the events and concepts that shaped the ideas the Founding Fathers put forth in our Declaration and Constitution, such as separation of powers and freedom of religion. We will also continue to read The Light in the Forest. Their reading assignment will be given on Wednesday. We will do some of the reading in class, but the bulk of the reading needs to be done at home. Please make sure your child is reading.

8th Social Studies

Eighth grade will be completing their study of life in the Old West with a lesson on the Homesteaders who moved to the Plains. The students will take the chapter test on Tuesday, November 8th, which also happens to be the last day of the first quarter.  The study guide will be posted on Wednesday, November 2nd.

8th Religion

This week the class will begin Unit 2, which will start off with the Exodus. We will especially focus on the idea of trusting God under all circumstances, as well as the fact that while the Israelites were incredibly disobedient, God still cared for them and blessed them. Since school is closed on Friday, the memory quiz will be on Thursday. The verse is John 6:35, which is on page 33 of the student book.