Happy Monday! Before we get into the agenda for this week, there are a few announcements. First, please be sure to sign up for a parent- teacher conference by visiting ptc.trinityli.org. Second, School will be closed this Friday in observance for Veterans Day. Thank you to all of you who have served and defended our nation at home and abroad. The New York Historical Society will be offering free admission and special programs on Friday, which you can read about here. Lastly, please make the effort to go out and vote this Tuesday, November 8th. Regardless of who wins the election, please remember that God is ultimately in control, and He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us.

8th Social Studies

On Tuesday, eighth grade will take their test on chapter 17, The Old West. Later in the week they will begin learning about the great captains of industry from the early 1900s, as well as the inventions that brought the U.S. into the modern age. The students should also finish reading Chasing Lincoln’s Killer by Monday, November 14th.


This week the students in seventh grade will continue studying the development of the English colonies. They will learn about the southern colonies, as well as the Spanish land that lie on the border of the English colonies. The students should read up to page 70 in The Light in the Forest by Monday, November 14th.

8th Religion

In religion this week, we are studying the Ten Commandments and their purpose in our lives as modern Christians. We will also study the first official violation of the Commandments, the construction of the Golden Calf. There are many lessons to be learned from these stories. The memory verse for this week is Galatians 3:13, which can be found on page 35 in the student book. The quiz will be on Thursday.