Greetings! Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, and I look forward to meeting with each of you. 8AA homeroom parents, please be on the look out for a flier regarding the 8th grade dance and trip to Six Flags, both long standing Trinity traditions. Also, grades 3 through 5 will be hosting a Turkey Trot event on November 23rd to raise money for Long Island Cares. There is more information available here.

8th Social Studies

This week the students will learn about the entrepreneurs/robber barons of the early 20th century and the mark theat they made on society. We will then focus on urbanization and immigration to the U.S. The students will be assigned the project for Chasing Lincoln’s Killer, which can be viewed here. This will be due on November 22nd.

7th Social Studies

This week we will finish up our study of the settlement of the English Colonies. The last section of Chapter 3 will discuss the settlement of what was known as the”Spanish Borderlands”. There will be a test on Chapter 3 nest Tuesday, November 22nd. The study guide will be posted later this week.

8th Religion

In religion class, we will be focusing on the the Tabernacle and the elements within. This will be the basis for the second quarter project. The project will be assigned after Thanksgiving. The memory verse for this week is Psalm 122:1, which can be found on page 39 of the student book.