Greetings! I hope everyone’s week is off to a great start. Here are the plans for this week:

7th Social Studies

This week we will be starting off with studying the ideas contained in the Declaration of Independence, which are still important to us today as U.S. citizens. As I shared with each of the classes, it is imperative that we know and understand our rights. From there, we will begin studying the battles of the Revolutionary War.

8th Social Studies

This week we will be finishing up chapter 20. We will first study the construction of the Panama Canal, and then we will look at the foreign policies of Presidents T. Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson and how the role of the United States changed in a relatively short period of time. The test will likely take place on Tuesday, February 7th. I will post the study guide later this week.

8th Religion

This week, we are studying the transition of Israel being ruled by judges, to kings, especially focusing on how trusting God was essential to the success of the early kings. The memory verse this week is Proverbs 3:5, which is on page 65 of the student book. Since we are now in the 3rd quarter, the students will also receive the outline for the third quarter project, which can be viewed here. This project will require the students to research a future career and how one can serve others and glorify God through this profession.