Happy New Year! I hope that each of you had a joyous and blessed Christmas and New Year. I am very much looking forward to getting back to school this Wednesday. Here are the plans for our short week:

7th Social Studies

Seventh grade will begin chapter 5, which is essentially the “Road to Revolution.” In this chapter we will be studying the events that led the American colonies to declare independence from Britain. We will begin first with the French and Indian War. No, this is not a war between the French and the Native Americans, but rather England and the Colonies versus the French and their Native American allies.

8th Social Studies

To start this week, the students of eighth grade will finish the DBQ essays they began before the break. On Thursday, we will begin chapter 20, which will focus on the U.S. becoming an international “super power.” We will begin with the U.S. acquiring Alaska and Hawaii, and American influence in the Pacific region in general. We will then move on to U.S./Latin American relations and how the media can influence government policy. A truly timely chapter when one considers the events happening in the world at present.

8th Religion

Before the break, we got up to the point that the Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land. This week we will begin Unit 3 by studying the conquest of Canaan and Joshua’s leadership. Interesting fact: the names Joshua and Jesus both mean the Lord saves. This lesson is an excellent reminder that God is always present with His people and will work all things for the good of His people.