Greetings! I hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend. Here are the plans for this week:

7th Social Studies

This week the seventh grade students will be finishing up the Revolutionary War. We will focus on the battles that took place in the southern states and just how the small, poorly trained American army was able to defeat Britain, the most powerful military of its time. Next Tuesday, February 14th, the students will take their test on chapter 6.

8th Social Studies

On Tuesday, February 7th, the students will take their test on chapter 20. The study guide is available here. Then on Wednesday, we will begin studying World War I. Often times, World War II gets the most attention, but WWI leads directly to the Second World War.

8th Religion

This week the students will be finishing up Unit 3 by studying the reign of King David and the wisdom of Solomon. The lessons to be taken from the lives and writings of these men are that even Godly leaders are flawed- everyone makes mistakes and is in need of God’s forgiveness. The test on Unit 3 will take place next week. The memory verse for this week is Psalm 51:10-12, which is found on page 71 of the student book. This passage me be familiar to some, as it is often used in the Lutheran liturgy. Psalm 51 was written by David in repentance for the sins he had committed regarding Bathsheba and Uriah.