Greetings to all! Welcome to a new week at Trinity. Here are the plans for this week:

7th Social Studies

This week the students will be finishing our study of life in the 13 English Colonies. They will be completing the chapter review and study guide for chapter 4. The study guide may be viewed here. The test will take place on Monday, December 19th.

8th Social Studies

This week the students will be studying the Progressive Era. This time period began with the reforms of President Theodore Roosevelt and continued with Presidents William H. Taft and Woodrow Wilson. To supplement our study, the students will be reading excerpts from The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. This novel exposed the unsanitary practices of the meat packing industry and helped bring about the Pure Food and Drug Act.

8th Religion

This is a big week for the eighth grade religion class. The students will be taking their test on Unit 2 on Tuesday, and the Quarter 2 Project is due this Friday, December 16th. Once we return to regular lessons, the students will be learning about the conquest of the Promised Land.