Hello Parents! Although this is a short week, we have a fun filled three days ahead of us. Our class will be working on exciting Easter crafts and they will go on an Easter egg hunt. We will end class Wednesday afternoon with an Easter party and a movie. I’m excited to see what movie our class votes on to watch. Please remember to complete the daily attestations each morning prior to coming to school.
This week we will finish the alphabet with the letter Zz. We will continue reviewing the numbers 1-20 through one to one correspondence. Please continue to practice sight words: a, green, and, red, away, blue, big, yellow. The sight words for this week are “can” and “come”. We are continuing with our theme, Growing Up Healthy. This week’s topic will focus on “Staying Safe” with the big idea centralizing around knowing what to do to be safe. The vocabulary words we will learn this week are: accident, caution, danger, emergency, harm, injury and safety. We will read the books “Always be Safe” and “Please Play Safe! Penguin’s Guide to Playground Safety.” For math we will learn words such as equal and share.
In this week’s Scholastic Weekly Reader, titled “1 Egg, 2 Eggs, I See Blue Eggs,” children will identify animals that lay eggs and learn what the eggs look like. During Jesus time, we will talk about Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Our activities this week include:
Playground: Weekdays 10:30 am
Art: Wednesday 11:00 am
Upcoming Important Dates:
Wednesday, March 31st: ECC Easter Celebration
Thursday, April 1st – Friday, April 9th: Spring Recess No School
Monday, April 12th: ECC Classes Resume
I will be sending homework packets out on Monday this week, which will be due when we return to school on Monday, April 12th. All communications from me will be posted through the Class Dojo app. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through class dojo or via email [email protected]. Have an amazing week and a safe and enjoyable spring break.