We had a fun-filled week! Field Day was thoroughly enjoyed by all! Thank you, Mr. Mallon! It was red vs.white but everyone supported one another and practiced good sportsmanship and teamwork! At the end of the week we enjoyed lunch hosted by PTFA out in the courtyard with our kindergarten, first, and third grade friends. We were also treated to a visit by the Mister Softee ice cream truck!
Thank you PTFA!
We will be celebrating three birthdays, the last few for the year; Aiden, Tylin and Jayden Mars will all be celebrating turning eight! Pizza will be offered to the class on Friday, June 10th from Mr. and Mrs. Brodie as we celebrate Tylin’s birthday! If your son/daughter does not want pizza, please send in lunch as usual. No pizza envelopes for this week! Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Brodie!
Although we no longer have any spelling, reading, and math tests, reinforcement of concepts learned this year will continue this week. Our days together are winding down and it is bittersweet. Everyone is excited about summer as the days warm up but we are still working hard in our second grade classroom. We have a lot to reflect upon and it seems almost unimaginable that this year is almost over. Each and every second grader has grown in so many ways and I am so proud of each and every one of them. They too see that they have changed and grown since September!
Writer’s Workshop- Superhero Writing! Please note that children may dress up as their superhero (or bring in a prop) if they’d like when reading their writing to the class. Date to be determined!
Poem in my Pocket sharing on Wednesdays
Read Aloud Charlotte’s Web
Math Chapter 10 “Data”
Social Studies / Science
We will take a spring nature walk! We will engage our senses and observe the world around us. The last one we took was in the fall…
Me on the Map-We continue to make a flip book as we learn about our place in the world
Animal Adventures Unit- Animal Biodiversity and Habitats
Mystery Science
Scholastic News
Handwriting-Uppercase Letters
The stories covered for the week will include Jesus Teaches About Prayer and The Lost Sheep
Chapel is Wednesday
God bless our week ahead!
Mrs. Ryan