Our forecasted week of work!
English Language Arts The story and all related work will be our focus for the next 2 weeks. (Reading Test Friday 2/2 on all * components below)
*Wonders Story Wolf! Wolf! (fable) (Comprehension Test Friday 2/2)
Essential Question: What can animals in stories teach us?
Spelling-digraphs/trigraphs chop, catch, shape, trash, phone, that, sting, thin, bring, while, this, that’s, seven, isn’t, early (Test Friday 2/2)
*Vocabulary words snatch, fond, believe, feast, remarkable, delicious, lesson, stories
High Frequency Sight Words baby, seven, eight, start, these, isn’t, try, early, learn, walk
• Applying main idea and details to our writing of a paragraph
•January writing prompts in our Poetry/Writing Journals
•Sight word sentences
*Phonics Focus hard/soft c and g
*Grammar Goals *Proper/Common Nouns, Collective Nouns, Prefixes, Suffixes
Handwriting Keeping the “Keys to Legibility” in mind as we review manuscript letter formation
Math-Module 6 (Test Friday 2/2)
•Compare Three-Digit Numbers
•Use Symbols to Compare Numbers
Mystery Science
Arctic Adventures: Polar Bears Virtual Field Trip
Scholastic News
Social Studies Lesson: Families
Vocabulary family, community, responsible, respect
Religion Wednesday Chapel
Important Notes:
The second graders are getting their singing voices ready! They will be singing at the 9 a.m. church service this Sunday, January 28th. Please meet Mr. DeVries in the music room by 8:45 in uniform ready to sing! You may pick up your child in the music room following the service. Please refer to Mr. DeVries’ recent note sent home.
I know some parents are considering coming in to be a Mystery Reader…. I strongly encourage you to do so! We can arrange a day convenient for you, morning or afternoon! Please share some time with us for it is a lot of fun for the children. I guarantee that you will have fun too!
Have a good week ahead!
Antonia Ryan