Happy Lutheran Schools Week!! We are excited to celebrate our Lutheran school and dress up in different themes throughout the week!
Monday: Pajama Day Tuesday: Positive Vibes Wednesday: Dress Your Best Thursday: Hero Day Friday: Sports Team Day
Joke of the Week: What did one plate say to the other?
Song of the Week- Down to the River by Jordan Feliz
Language Arts- This week we will continue Unit 5 of our Wonder’s series. Our essential question is, What do living things need to grow? We will read, My Garden. We will learn the sight word ‘with’ and ‘he’. We will focus on the letter Hh, the long and short i sound and the short i word families ex. -it, -in, -id. We will continue to blend sounds to make a word and identifying the three sounds in CVC words. In grammar, we will continue to learn about the three important factors of writing a sentence.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be CVC words and sight words.
Math- This week we will continue Chapter 9 – Use the Count Sequence to Count to 100 and have a test on Thursday.
Math Centers- We will practice counting up to 100 by 1s, 5s, and 10s.
Jesus Time- We will continue to read about Jesus growing up and all the wonderful stories he told and miracles he preformed.
Science: This week we will dive into Mystery Science and learn about things that are magnetic.
Have a great week!
Answer: Dinner is on me!