Happy almost October everyone, time really does fly when you’re having fun!
Joke of the Week: What time of day was Adam created?
Song of the Week- This weeks song is “Let Go, Let God” by Jack Cassidy!
Language Arts- We are continuing to review the letters of the alphabet, this week we are working on letters J-L. To learn and review the letters we are identifying them, writing, singing, and watching videos; all of these things will help us reinforce what we are learning! Each day we open with identifying letters, their sounds, rhyming words, syllables and now putting two sounds together ex. /c/ /at/ = cat.
Our next sight word we are learning is “the”. We will learn how to say it, spell it, and most importantly identify it throughout sentences, stories, and sentences we make. We will also review our previous four sight words, I, go, can, it.
We will continue to discuss the concepts of print, how to identify the front and back cover of a book. We will identify the first sound in words and we will listen to Mrs. Leahy and determine how many words are in a sentence. This week we will begin to discuss nouns. First we will discuss nouns for people.
Math- We will continue our “into Math” curriculum, Unit 2: Represent and Write Numbers to 5. Each night we will have math homework to practice what we learned that day, except for Friday! There will be Mondays that we will have 4 pages of math homework including this one, due to the lesson we did together on the previous Friday.
Jesus Time- We are diving into Mrs. Leahy’s children’s Bible and reading such fun stories, completing crafts, activities, and watching videos to enjoy the stories! This week we will read about Father Abraham and his family!
Science/Social Studies- We will talk about Community Helpers, where they are in our neighborhoods, what they do, and learn about their jobs and importance!
Excited for another great week!
Answer: A little before Eve!