Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!

Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

Spelling- The new words for this week are: show, row, grow, low, blow, snow, boat, coat, road, toad. The children will write their 10 spelling words 3x each for homework by Tuesday. They should write 8 sentences by Wednesday. Use at least 5 words in each sentence. The children may also write a story using all ten words instead of ten sentences! The Spelling Test will be next Monday instead of Friday (school is closed on Friday for a teacher’s conference).

Phonics- oa and ow words; contractions with ‘ve and ‘re

Language Arts- future tense

Reading: We will read the story Tomas Rivera. The children will read it again at home. The Reading tests will be given next MONDAY. Please make sure your child reads the decodable readers that are sent home each night. They should be able to read the stories fluently.

Math- graphs; test on Thursday (3/19)

Science- food chains- the marsh

Social Studies- book 4- work; money

Religion- Bible stories about Jesus’ miracles

Weekly Reader- reading fiction and non-fiction

1AA News

We have a busy week ahead of us!

Tuesday is Green Day, and we will have some delicious, green snacks. Thank you to our wonderful class moms and all who contributed! It is a non-uniform dress down day.

On Tuesday, we will be going to the Book Fair in the youth/senior room, and the children will have the opportunity to buy Scholastic books. Please send money to school on Tuesday if you would like your child to purchase books.

A note went home last week about our Easter Brunch on March 31st. I will need a couple of helpers that morning from about 9:00 until 10:30. Please let me know if you are free that morning to help. Items may be sent in any day next week, except for perishables (i.e. fruit for our fruit salad).

Upcoming tests:

Thursday 3/19- Math test
Monday 3/23- Reading and Spelling tests for lesson 19
Thursday 3/26- Science test on chapter 5 (food chains)-study sheets will go home this week
Monday 3/30- Reading and Spelling tests for lesson 20
Tuesday 3/31- Easter brunch in the classroom
Wednesday 4/1- class trip to see The Wizard of Oz- Please return permission slips and $10 this week.

Have a Great Week!

Mrs. Flomer