Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!


Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!


Spelling– The new words for this week are: truck, smoke, bell, pole, ring, brave.  The “R” book words are review words: clean, always, work, done.  The children will write their 10 spelling words 3x each by Tuesday.  They should write 6 sentences by Wednesday. Spelling test will be on Friday.  We will begin to write 10 sentences each week beginning next week!


Phonics– long vowels


Language Arts– subject/verb agreement


Reading: This is a review week.  We will read the short story Ring, Ring, Ring! Put out the Fire on Tuesday. The children will read it again at home on Tuesday night. The take home story this week is “Hen and Snail”.  The reading test will be on Friday.  I will give the “end of book” test next Monday.  It will have the same format as the other unit tests in Reading.  The children should review their “R” book words.


Math- measurement


Science- food chains


Social Studies– work and jobs; map skills




1AA News


Shamir is our Reader of the week!


This is the last week to send in an item for the food drive that the 3rd graders are sponsoring.  Please help them to help stock the food pantry!


Crazy Hat Day is Thursday!  The 5th graders are sponsoring this event for $1 and the proceeds will go to the needy.




Have a great week, and email me with any questions or concerns: [email protected]