Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!

Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

Spelling- The new words for this week are: how, now, cow, owl, ouch, house, found, out, gown, town. The children will write their spelling words 3x each for homework by Tuesday. They should write 14 sentences due by Wednesday. Spelling Test will be on Friday.

Phonics- ou, ow, oi, oy, au, aw words

Language Arts- contractions

Reading: We will read the story, The New Friend. The children will read the story again at home. The more often they read the story, the better they will do on the comprehension test. The tests will be given on Friday.

Math- Chapter 12- halves and fourths

Science- Chapter 6 test on Thursday- study sheets were sent home before spring break

Social Studies- Laws

Weekly Reader- Koalas

Class News

Our Reader of the Week is Abby!

The May lunch calendars were due this week. Please send in lunch daily if your child did not hand in a menu.

Uniform shorts and sneakers may now be worn. Please remember that school shoes must still be worn with pants and jumpers.

We will be taking a class trip to the Planetarium on June 2nd. More information will be sent home soon.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Flomer