Dear Parents,
Thank you for your cooperation in washing and sending back your child’s nap mats this weekend.
This week, on Monday, there is a Parent Kindergarten visitation day for those of you who have sent in your permission slip.
We will be reviewing letters A-P, numbers 1-13, and all the shapes that we have learned. We will be learning the letter Qq this week.
We will be reading various books about the season, ground hogs day and Lunar New Year. We will be talking about the prediction of the groundhog not seeing his shadow and what that means in terms of spring coming early. We will be celebrating Lunar New Year on Tuesday and will be having dumplings for snack, courtesy of Mrs. Kim. Please have your child wear red clothing on Tuesday as it is considered a good luck color and a symbol of happiness. We will also be visiting the kindergarten music class on Wednesday and also going to chapel.
In art, we are going to continue working on our polar bear project.
We will continue talking about hibernation as well as learning about animals that live in the cold. In math we will be discussing ordering objects by size and length, comparing lengths and counting to 10. We will also be continuing to match numeral to quantity.
I will be sending homework packets out on Monday which will be due by Friday.
Valentine’s Day-You are welcome to send in valentines for the children in the class as long as ALL the children are given one. We now have 19 children in the class.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through the class dojo or via email [email protected].
Have a wonderful week!
*Important dates to remember:
-Tuesday, February 5th-Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year)
-Thursday, February 14th-Wear Red Day
-Monday, February 18th-Friday, February 22nd-School Closed-President’s Week
-Friday, March 8th-No School-Staff Professional Development Day
-Friday, March 15th-Wear Green Day
-Friday, March 29th-Spring Show