Dear Parents,
This is a short week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. School will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 22nd and 23d. We will be participating in our school-wide Thanksgiving feast on Wednesday.
We will be reviewing letters A-G, learning about the letter Hh and reviewing the numbers 1-10. We will also continue reviewing the shapes. We have completed our coffee filter turkey projects, scarecrows and squirrels. Please look at all of our artwork displayed in the hallway! We will also continue to talk about community, transportation and safety habits.
We will be reading “I’m Your Bus”, “Carlo Likes Counting”, “Dig Dig Digging” and “ABC Drive”.
In math, we will be talking about patterns and reviewing comparing distances.
During Jesus time, we will continue to discuss the theme of being thankful to Jesus.
We continue to practice writing our names independently throughout the day on all of our work. In addition, each day we are practicing identifying our own names during circle time.
I will be sending homework packets out on Monday which will be due by Wednesday.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through the class dojo or via email [email protected].
Have a wonderful week!
*Important date to remember:
-Thursday, November 22nd-No School-Thanksgiving Day
-Friday, November 23rd-No School-Day After Thanksgiving