Dear Parents,
This week we will be learning about the color purple, the number 6 and diamond. We will also begin exploring the letter Cc and words that begin with that letter. We will be working on a purple art project in class. In art, we will be making our own Kandinsky paintings.
We will be reading “Mama Zooms”, “Herman the Helper”, “Too Many Tamales” and “My Day From A to Z”. We will begin talking about family, members of our family and how we take care of each other.
In math, we will be measuring and comparing lengths and reviewing counting.
We continue to practice writing our names independently as well as tracing them on our morning sheets. In addition, each day we are practicing identifying our own names during circle time.
I will be sending homework packets out on Monday which will be due by Friday.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through the class dojo or via email [email protected].
*Important date to remember:
-Wednesday, October 17th-Parent Night at 7pm
-Thursday, October 18th-Picture Day
-There will be no school on Friday, October 19th (Staff Professional Development Day)
Have a wonderful week!