Hello Parents,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! Please remember to have your child dress their Christmas best tomorrow for the filming of our Christmas program. Also, please send in Christmas gift bags with tissue paper so your children can bring home their Christmas gifts they made for you. Thursday is Jesus’ birthday party and Friday is PJ, movie and hot cocoa day. Friday is also the last day before the break, I wish you all a blessed and Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!


– Please remember to complete the daily attestations each morning prior to coming to school.

We will be learning the letter Nn and the #14. We will be taking a break from the curriculum to focus on Christmas.

We will be reading various Christmas books and singing Christmas songs.

For Jesus time, we will be learning about Jesus being born and Christmas. This is the third week in Advent, please have your child “light” the pink candle in the Advent wreath.


Art: Wednesday from 11-11:42

Physical Education: Thursday from 12:30-12:50

Critter Room: Every other Friday


I will be sending homework packets out on Monday which will be due on Friday.

All communications from me will be posted through the Class Dojo app. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through the class dojo or via email [email protected].

Upcoming Important Dates:

Monday, December 14th-Christmas Dress your best-we will be filming the children singing Christmas songs, please send your child to school in their Christmas best!

Thursday, December 17th-Happy birthday Jesus birthday party

Friday, December 18th-PJ & hot cocoa day-last day before the break

Monday, December 21-January 3rd-Christmas Break

Monday, January 4th-Classes Resume

Monday, January 18th-School Closed- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Friday, January 29th- School Closed- ECC Parent Teacher Conferences