Happy Week 4!

Science Quote of the week: “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.”  -Albert Einstein

Earth Science-8: This week, we wrap up our study of the prologue unit in Earth Science.  It is imperative that if you student is having trouble on any of the practice problems that I have given them, they should come to extra help. Please email me to reserve a time if it is not Wednesday mornings. 

Test on the Prologue Unit Will Be Monday September 29th. Students will receive a review check list in class on Thursday. It can also be found here: PrologueReviewsheetTAL. It is strongly encouraged that students come to extra-help and study by reviewing their notes and practice questions.

Life Science-7: This week we will continue with measurement conversions and move onto using scientific instruments. Anybody who has not yet taken the quiz must see me as soon as possible to schedule a time to take it.

Earth Science-6: This week we will continue measurement, and begin measurement conversions. There will be a quiz on Wednesday on everything up to measurement and the metric system (measurement and the metric system are not on the quiz). The quiz will cover: Introduction to Earth Science & Careers in Earth Science, The Scientific Method, Models, Laws vs. Theories. (See me if you have any confusion as to what topics is on the quiz).  Extra help will be on Wednesday morning at 7:45 AM

 Health-7: This week we will discuss health risk behaviors.

Astronomy: Our focus this week will be on surface features on our nearest planetary and lunar neighbors!