Homer, Seurat, Monet, O’Keefe, Thiebaud…just some of the artists we are learning about in Art for the next two weeks!

REMINDER  ~  THE DEADLINE FOR THE AAA TRAFFIC SAFETY POSTER CONTEST IS FAST APPROACHING  — All entries are due to Mrs. Kerwin by next Tuesday, March 10th.  Call or Email me if you have any questions about this exciting contest!

KA/KAA —  Shades of Green Shamrock Collage

1A/1AA — Poppies in Perspective/Craypas

2AA — Monet’s Lily Pond/Craypas and Watercolor

3AA — W. Homer/Seascape in Tempera

4A —  W. Thiebaud/Cake Painting with Craypas

5A/5AA — Faux Batik/Watercolor

6AA — Seurat/Pointillism–The River Seine

7A/7AA — Self-Portrait With a Twist

8A/8AA — O’Keefe Large Flower in Chalk Pastel

Keep Creating and Keep Warm!

Mrs. E. Kerwin