Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para sexto grado para la semana de 4/3/24. Hello and welcome to 6th grade Spanish class for the week of 3/4/24. This week we will finish up with adjectives in Spanish using the verb ser and then go into describing members of their family in Spanish.  Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Thank you and God bless.


Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para séptimo grado para la semana de 4/3/24. Hello and welcome to 7th grade Spanish class for the week of 3/4/24. Students will continue their food project and work in assigned groups of two. This will consist of working together to create a skit in Spanish ordering food. Once done they will present their projects by acting out their skits and menus. These project are due on Friday 3/8/2024. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Thank you and God bless.


Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para octavo grado para la semana de 4/3/24. Hello and welcome to 8th grade Spanish class for the week of 3/4/24. This week we will focus on the listening and reading skills for the FLACS exam. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Thank you and God bless.