Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para sexto grado para la semana de 26/2/24. Hello and welcome to 6th grade Spanish class for the week of 2/26/24. This week they will have a vocab quiz on adjectives in Spanish. This quiz will be on Tuesday the 27th. They will also complete projects for black history month. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Thank you and God bless.
Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para séptimo grado para la semana de 26/2/24. Hello and welcome to 7th grade Spanish class for the week of 2/26/24. Due to the exercise study we will not have classs. However students will work independently on their food project and work in assigned groups of two. This will consist of working together to create a skit in Spanish ordering food. Once done they will present their projects by acting out their skits and menus (once the study is done). They will also complete projects for black history month. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Thank you and God bless.
Hola bienvenidos a la clase de español para octavo grado para la semana de 26/2/24. Hello and welcome to 8th grade Spanish class for the week of 2/26/24. This week we will focus on writing skills for the FLACS exam.They will also complete projects for black history month. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga. Thank you and God bless.