Math Grade 6

This week we are finishing our decimal unit. We reviewed addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals.  It might be helpful for some students to use graph paper when completing the computations.  It helps to keep the columns straight.  We also applied these skills to word problems.

Monday, 12/5 Quiz on multiplying and dividing decimals with word problems

Friday, 12/9- Test on Decimal Unit


Extra help will be on Wednesdays from 7:45-8:15


Math Grade 7

This week we will begin Unit 3. This unit focuses on algebraic expressions and equations.  We will be simplifying expressions by combining like terms and distributing.  We will then solve 1-step,  2-step, and multi-step equations.  Also, we will begin writing equations from word problems.  There are no tests or quizzes this week.


Extra help will be on Wednesdays from 7:45-8:15




This week we are working on graphing linear equations. We have learned how to graph a line using a table and x and y intercepts.  The students will need graph paper for his chapter.  This week we will focus on vertical and horizontal lines and different methods to find the slope of a line.


Quiz- Tuesday, 12/6 on graphing a line using a table and x and y intercepts.


Extra Help is Wednesday, from 7:45- 8: 15.




This week we will be learning about patterns in linear and non-linear functions. We will also learn how to graph a function rule.  Domain and range will also be explored.  There are no tests or quizzes this week.

Extra help is by appointment.



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].


Reminders and Important Dates

Christmas Concert- 12/6 7:00 PM

Christmas Break- 12/22-1/3