Math Grade 6

This week we are starting our decimal unit. We will be reviewing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals.  It might be helpful for some students to use graph paper when completing the computations.  It helps to keep the columns straight.  Eventually, we will apply these skills to word problems. This week our focus will only be on multiplication and division of decimals.

Friday, 12/2- Quiz on multiplying and dividing decimals.

Extra help will be on Wednesdays from 7:45-8:15



Math Grade 7

This week we are reviewing Unit 2. We will be reviewing how to represent percent problems algebraically, as well as percent of increase and decrease application problems involving discounts, tax, and tips.  There will be a test on Friday, 12/2.

Extra help will be on Wednesdays from 7:45-8:15



This week we are starting a new chapter on graphing linear equations. We will start by learning how to graph a line by using a table of values.  Then we will learn how to graph a line using x and y intercepts. The students will need graph paper for his chapter.

There are no tests or quizzes this week.

Extra Help is Wednesday, from 7:45- 8: 15.




This week we will be reviewing chapter 6.  This chapter focuses on solving systems of equations using graphing, substitution, and elimination methods.  We will eventually apply these skills to word problems.  We will spend this week learning how to graph inequalities and systems of inequalities.  Then we will review the entire chapter. There will be a test on Thursday, 12/1.


Extra help is by appointment.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].


Reminders and Important Dates

Wednesday, 11/30- Middle School Christmas Trip.