Yeah, we managed to elude another snow day! 

This week our school will be participating in Read Across America.  Each day the entire school will Drop Everything and Read for fifteen minutes at various scheduled times.  Our class will be reading to the 1st graders and doing other reading activities in our classroom throughout the week.  Reading is so important!  Please consider spending some time reading with your child at home this week!

Week of: March 3-7

Spelling: goose, woman, calf, fish, mouse, leaf, children, geese, calves, leaves, self, child, women, mice, selves, ox, popcorn, elf, oxen, elves

Vocabulary: ally, digest, noble, quiver

Writing Journal Assignment:  This week’s assignment is party of the Lutheran Schools Association “Imagine the Possibilities” theme for Lutheran Schools Month.  Students should reflect on the following Bible verse:

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”   –Matthew 19:26

Students may express what this Bible verse means to them by writing an essay or poem about this verse as it relates to their life or the life of someone they know.  First drafts of this assignment should be done in their Writing Journal, however, final copies of this must be typed.  I am happy to help students edit their work any day this week before Friday, as final submissions are due no later than Friday, 3/7.  This will be a graded journal assignment and each piece will also be submitted to the LSA contest where winners will be chosen in preschool, elementary, and middle school categories.

Math: Review and test on division

Science: Chapter 10, Natural Resources

Social Studies: Chapter 6, A Young New York

Reading: Ongoing free reading in class, reading notebook, conferencing

Language Arts: Proper adjectives and adjectives that compare

Religion: daily devotions


  • Wednesday – Math, Module 3, Division
  • Thursday – Memory Quiz
  • Friday – Spelling

Important News:

  • Math Extra Help will be given on Wednesday at 7:45 am
  • Writing journal assignments may be emailed to me if students do not have access to a printer at home.
  • This Saturday is an Open House at Trinity Lutheran School.  As we continue to grow in learning through our faith based education, please continue spreading the word about our school to friends and family members that may be interested in a special place for their child!
  • Save the Date:  Next Wednesday, 3/12, the 4th grade will be hosting Chapel and we will have a very special visit from Grammy Award winning Gospel singer, Bishop Hezekiah Walker.  Please consider joining us if you are available!

This week’s Prayer Video: