Here’s what is going on:
ELA: Journey’s passage: ‘Old Yeller’ Vocabulary and comprehension on test Friday
Grammar: Direct and indirect objects: On test Friday
Writing: We are writing letters to our favorite author.
Spelling: Test Friday.
MATH: Ch 8 test Monday. Ch. 9 Divide Fractions: Quiz 3/26.Test 3/29
S.S.: We are finishing Black History Month projects. We will complete an activity exploring the three branches of our government and a Preamble project. Geography week 9.
RELIGION: We will be discussing Easter: the death and resurrection of Jesus and what it means to us.
SCIENCE: Unit 3: Spaceship earth: Mystery 2: Vocabulary check.
Daily science question:Big Idea 2: Week 2.
The trimester ends Friday. All assignments need to be in to be graded. I will be reminding students with outstanding work.
Wednesday:3/17: Free dress down day: Wear green.
Thank you for your understanding and support as I was out due to the loss of my mom. Your children have been compassionate and wonderful.
I have been thinking this week about Ecclesiates 3:1: For everything there is a season. A time for every activity under heaven. This is so true. The timing of the seasons God chooses for us might not be what we would like. We need to continue to trust Him and His divine plan. Boy, this is difficult but if we put our hope and faith in God’s plan, we can feel His comfort and peace. Just something to think about.
Mrs. Lively