We have a busy week closing out trimester two:

Religion: We will review the Tinity and create shamrocks that are three parts but one shamrock to remind us that our wonderful God is three parts, yet one God. We will make crosses that remind us of what Jesus did for us and why we celebrate Easter.

Reading and writing: We will read the story of Deborah Sampson and writing post cards as if we were Debrah writing to her mother.
Vocabulary: Text
Spelling: Prefix words. Test Friday.
Grammar: Future tenes and begin linking verbs
Math: Chapter 13: Understanding deciaml place: No quiz or test.
SS: Ch 5: vocabulary quiz Thursday. We are creating a timeline of what lead to the Revolutionary War. We will complete our Women’s ‘Herstory’ research and form.
Science: Unit 2: Watery Planet: Lesson 3: When you turn on the faucet, where does the water come from?

Work Back Wednesday Folders will go home this week. Weekly reading homework is due Friday. Please be sure your student is reading 15 minutes each night, Mon-Thurs. and completing a questions with a few complete sentences citing evidence from the book. Please sign the chart on the back of the weekly reading homework sheet.
Friday is green day. We will be enjoying a snack. Thank you, Ms. Theis.
Please be sure your student comes to class each day with a charged up chromebook.

Thank you for all you do and for sending your children to Trinity. Have a great week.