Welcome Back!
I hope that you’ve enjoyed your summer and are looking forward to a fun and fruitful school year. This year during Life Science, we will be covering a multitude of topics including the smallest of cells, Mendel’s Pea Plants, DNA, and of course plants and animals.
Life Science will meet primarily in the Computer Lab, however we will be using the Science Lab upstairs, as well as the Life Science Lab (formerly the Critter Room). Students do not need to bring their textbooks to class on a regular basis as a digital copy will be provided when in the computer lab.
Homework will be given frequently but not every night. Students will receive a packet containing all of the homework for a single chapter. This allows students who have busy schedules to plan ahead and always be prepared for class.
Grades will be determined using the following breakdown; Tests-50%, HW-25%, Labs and Quizzes-25%. Late homework will not be accepted. Students will be given digital copies of all textbooks and workbooks so that they will never have to worry about not having their work.
Students will also be utilizing their google accounts for classwork and homework. These accounts are created and maintained by the school and have had certain features disabled to promote a healthy learning environment.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send me an email at [email protected].
Wishing you a happy and productive school year,
Mr. Stainkamp