Learning is multi-sensory and learning activities should include ones that stimulate all the senses.  This is most important for the younger learner and for those students having difficulty with a learning task.  Children learn better if they can physically feel or touch.

This is most important for the younger child who is learning to identify letter and/or words. Here are some suggestions you can use at home which are fun and will help them learn at the same time.

*  Trace letter and words in sand, flour, or better yet, chocolate pudding.

*  Use clay or play dough to form letters, and then make the letters form words.

*  Use finger paint to spell out words.

*  Use magnetic letters on the fridge or cookie sheet to identify letters and spell out words.

*  Use multi-colored markers to write each letter in a different color.

*  Use shaving cream on a cutting board to write letters and words.

*  Alphabet blocks are useful to manipulate to practice words.

*  Dot-to-dot tracing-write letters and words in dots and have your child connect the dots.


Above all, remember that children develop all skills at different rates and learn differently.  Partner with your child’s teacher to find out how your child is performing in the classroom.