READING- We will continue discussing nouns for naming people, and writing our names. The essential question this week is “Why do we have rules at school?” Our high frequency word is “like”, we will start to identify beginning sounds in words such as, mule, seal pot, gate, feet, kite and lock, we will practice reading fluency by learning to pause for punctuation, our letter name focus is Pp,Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, we’ll learn that antonyms are words that are opposites, and we’ll also learn nouns for places.

MATH- Ordering numbers 1-5, counting to show how many, and understanding and writing 0 will be learned this week.

RELIGION- Our next Bible story is the Fall into Sin, Adam and Eve.

SCIENCE- The seasons of the apple tree and parts of the apple will be reviewed.

SOCIAL STUDIES- We’ll talk about things we see as we ride to school.

HANDWRITING- We will continue with writing horizontal lines and introduce how to form circles.

JOURNAL-  Our sentence this week is ,  “I like…,”  and we will draw something we like.

REMINDERS  Please go online and read the weekly news letter for updates on school activities.


When someone does you wrong, don’t do what comes naturally ; do what comes supernaturally. Love him.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Uss