READING- Our focus question this week is, “In what ways is the Atlantic Ocean special?” We will answer the question as we read the big book Atlantic. We will also be discussing other types of waterways and things found in the water. The students will continue to blend sounds using medial “a,” “i,” and “u,” and learn the beginning “r” sound, as well as reviewing the beginning and ending “hard g” sound. Our new high frequency words “will, into, your, be, that, who” should be practiced daily along with last week’s words, “find, from, but, this, came, on.” A word list of high frequency and decodable words for your child to practice was sent home today. Our grammer lessons will include review of proper nouns and an introduction of verbs in the future tense.

MATH- In Chapter 9 the students will learn to identify, and describe two dimensional shapes, i.e. circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, and hexagons. Our focus this week is circles and squares.

RELIGION- Jesus the good Shepard is our Bible story.

SCIENCE- This week we will learn about the Earth.

SOCIAL STUDIES- Our focus will be on maps and globes.

HANDWRITING- The class will practice capital and lower case “G-g” and “R-r.”

JOURNAL- The students will write the sentence “I see a…” then try to spell the word of something they see using blending skills.


On Wednesday, 4/29 is a Math test on Chapter 8.

Dress your child for outdoor recess as the weather has improved.

Bring a new book for children at Ronald MacDonald House.


“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill