READING- Our focus is to study why animals move in different ways. We’ll read the stories Jonathan and His Mommy, Move!, and The Hare and the Tortoise. We’ll be blending sounds to form words, listening to given words to identify the beginning consonnant sounds “hard c,” “m”, “short a,” and “t.” Our high frequency word is “A-a.” We will also practice reading with expression, indentifying and using color words in sentences to describe objects, and review action words.

MATH- In our next chapter we will be learning addition. This week the students will learn to join numbers to solve story problems.

RELIGION- The class will review the Christmas story and then discuss the visit of the Wise Men.

SCIENCE- In relation to our reading topic, we will discuss how animals move and compare and contrast different animals.

HANDWRITING- The students will practice writing capital and lower case “A-a” and “C-c.”

JOURNAL- We will write a sentence to describe an object using a color word.


Please check the name inside your child’s sweater, as one of our students is missing a sweater. If you have one that is not yours please send it to school.

Please guide your child as he/she completes homework and encourage neat work!


Do not discharge in haste the arrow which can never return; it is easy to destroy happiness, and difficult to restore it.