READING- Our focus will be the initial and final “d” sound in words, identifying numbers 1-5, which we are also studying in Math, blending using previously learned sounds along with the “d” sound, identifying story details, reading our next high frequency word “and,” and reading our mini book, “Dan and Dad.”

MATH– The class will see, count and write numbers to 5, and order numbers in ascending and descending order, and determine numbers missing in a given sequence.

RELIGION- God’s promise to Abraham is our Bible story.

SCIENCE- We are continuing to discuss pumpkin growth, fall changes, and bats.

SOCIAL STUDIES- We will draw our families on paper and then discuss how families are the same and different.

HANDWRITING- We are practicing capital and small D-d, and numbers 4 and 5 on the lines.

JOURNAL- We will print and draw a picture to depict Dan and Dad.


Tuesday, 10/29 is picture day.

You will receive a memo concerning the Kindergarten “giving back” project for this year. Please keep it as it tells you the items needed for each month. We would like to have 100% participation each month!

No school this Thursday, 10/31 as the teachers will be involved in learning seminars.


You can buy education, but wisdom is a gift from God.

Have a great week!
