READING- As we begin our next unit, please note, that our high frequency words will increase from one to two words per week. Please practice all words on a daily basis, so your child can learn to read fluently.

Our essential question is,”How does the weather change in different months and seasons?” We will read, Every Season, Jump into January, and Holidays All Year Long, to help us answer the question. Our high frequency words are come and me. We will also continue to blend sounds using medial short “a,” to read new words, learn the difference between a “telling sentence,” (statement), and an “asking sentence,” (question), and to identify the “subject” of a sentence, which is, who or what the sentence is about. Example: The dog ate his food. The subject is “The dog.” The stories the class will read in their Readers are, Come and See Me, and Pam and Me.

MATH- We are completing Chapter 5 on addition, by learning number pairs for 8, 9, and 10. You will receive information on what  to study on Tuesday, and the worksheets will be sent home on Wednesday. Our Chapter test is on Friday morning, 1/18.

 RELIGION- We are discussing the stories, Jesus in the temple and Jesus calls his disciples.

HANDWRITING- Capital and lower case L-l, I-i, and T-t are being reviewed. Please correct your child on any homework if they do not form the letters correctly.

SOCIAL STUDIES- Using our Weekly Reader, the students will compare what life was like before and after Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. They will also hear a story about his life.

SCIENCE- Our focus will be on the growth of penguins, and naming their body parts.


Reading test tomorrow, Tuesday, 1/15.

Math test Friday, 1/18.

Our ECC students have been visiting the Kindergarten class for part of our day to become involved in our program. If you can recommend our program to family members or neighbors that may have a Kindergarten aged child in September, we would appreciate it.


“Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy.”    Thomas Merton


Mrs. Uss