READING- We are completing our Unit 3 in reading. The following will be reviewed in class to help prepare your child for the TEST that will be given THURSDAY, MARCH 26 :

High frequency words – come, you, me, what, with, are, my, now.

Blending using medial short “a” sound, letters “b”, “n”, “f” and any previous letters learned.

Listen and identify words with the same ending sound.

Practice reading simple three letter words such as have appeared in short stories we have read, i.e. an, man, tan, fan, ran, can, Dan, pan, am, Sam, ham, jam, Pam, cap, nap, lap, sap, tap, map, at,  mat, bat, cat, fat, hat, Nat, pat, rat, sat.

Given two pictures that tell the beginning and middle of a story, your child should draw a picture to tell a plausible ending to the story.

MATH- We are learning to model, count, and write numbers 13, 14, and 15 and problem solve using numbers to 15.

RELIGION-  Our Bible stories are the Feeding of the 5,000 and Mary and Martha.

SCIENCE- We will continue with discussions on living and non-living things.

SOCIAL STUDIES- Our discussion will focus on citizenship.

HANDWRITING– Students will review letters already learned.

JOURNAL- We will not be writing in our Journals this week.


There is no school Friday, 3/20 as it is an in service day for faculty and staff.

Please return your permission slip and money for our trip.

Please return completed Relative Day form.

Wear GREEN on Tuesday, 3/17.


“One song can change a moment, one idea can change a world, one step can start a journey, but a prayer can change the impossible.”

Keep our mission and our school in your daily prayers.

Have a great week!
