READING- We are completing our lesson that was started last week. See details in last week’s blog.

MATH- Our focus in our next chapter, Chapter 2, is learning to build and compare sets so we can then compare numbers. We’ll compare sets that have the same number of things, and a greater number of things this week.

RELIGION- Our Bible story is the continuation of Noah.

SCIENCE- Living and non living things and pumpkins are still our focus.

SOCIAL STUDIES- We will reinforce the importance of following the rules in school and the community.

HANDWRITING- Slant right and slant left strokes will be practiced.

JOURNAL- Nothing new this week in our Journal.


Photo day for Kindergarten is Monday, October 20. School uniforms are to be worn.


By nature all men are much alike, but by education they become different.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Uss