Welcome to our Kindergarten blog. Check back weekly for updates.

READING- Our focus in reading this week will be to review alphabetical sequence, identify capital letters A-Z out of sequence, rhyming words, and syllables, follow one and two step directions, repeat a given set of sounds in the correct order, and listen to and repeat nursery rhymes, i.e. Mary Wore Her Red Dress, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and Jack and Jill. You can help at home by playing learning games.

  • Examples:
  • Hide alphabet letters around the house and when your child finds a letter ask him/her to identify it. Make two piles, one for the letters known and those that still need to be learned. Keep playing until all letters can be identified easily.
  • At every opportunity clap out syllables in words. Discuss how many syllables in each word.
  • Read Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and point out the rhyming words. Continue until your child can tell you the rhyming words.
  • Verbally give your child a direction, then have him/her complete the direction. Once this becomes too easy, give your child two directions. They must complete your directions in the order they were given.

MATH- We will practice one-to-one correspondence by matching objects and drawing a line left to right, and top to bottom, following given directions, and locating and identifying shapes in our classroom. You can help by identifying simple shapes, circle, square, rectangle, triangle, around your home. See how many your child can find.


RELIGION- We will learn the story of Creation. You can help by taking a walk with your child and finding the beauty in God’s creation. Perhaps you may even want to draw a picture together, write a story about your walk , or sing a song.


SCIENCE- We are discussing seasons and our five senses. At home you can talk about things you did this summer, and once fall arrives talk about changes in the weather, the plants and trees and how we need to dress warmer.


SOCIAL STUDIES- We are learning about rules and their importance in our classroom and school. You can talk about rules you have at home and how they may differ from school rules.


HANDWRITING- Correct pencil grip is important as a student learns to write. Practice good posture and grip at home especially during homework time.


JOURNAL- First we will discuss how each child gets to school, then we’ll trace the word “bus” or “car” depending on the child’s means of transportation, and draw a picture to match.



  1. Anytime your child’s dismissal procedure has changed, a NOTE must be written or PHONE CALL made to the front office prior to 2:00 that indicates that change. An older sibling or your child’s word is not acceptable. This rule is for your child’s safety.
  2. Please check the weather forecast daily. Kindergarten children are very uncomfortable when they are dressed inappropriately. Being too warm or too cold also has a negative effect on their ability to concentrate.
  3. Please label your child’s school sweater, as they all look alike.



We are all still adjusting to Kindergarten, but we’ve started down the path together towards new and exciting learning experiences for all, even the teachers!

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

God bless our year together!