We started the 3rd Quarter on Monday! I can’t believe we are halfway through the school year. The children are eagerly working on their in-class animal research paper.  The students have chosen their animals and have come up with an outline.  They are currently gathering research and taking notes on index cards. They are using library books, classroom books, the computer lab, and the Nooks in our classroom. The children are really enjoy this phase of the project.  We are going to spend one more day researching the animals, and then we are going to organize our index cards and begin the rough draft.

This week in ELA we are reading Aero and Officer Mike and Kids and Critters.  We are focusing on the author’s purpose and point of view. We will also be looking at summarizing information. Our target vocabulary words are lying, loyal, partners, shift, quiver, patrol, ability, and snap.  Our vocabulary strategy this week focuses on the prefixes: in- and im-. Both of those prefixes mean not. Our spelling words for the week are horse, mark, storm, market, acorn, artist, March, north, barking, stork, thorn, forest, chore, and restore.  In grammar we are focusing on pronoun-verb agreement.  There will be comprehension, phonics, vocabulary, grammar, and spelling tests this Friday.

In Math, we are continuing our work on division. I am so pleased to see, for the most part, the students know their multiplication facts and use inverse operations to solve most or their division problems. We are consistently review different strategies to solve division problems and there will be a quiz on Wednesday. It will cover being able to explain how to use different strategies, such as arrays and equal groups, to solve a division problems.

In Science we are beginning ecosystems. In Social Studies, we are finishing up Canada’s history, and then we are going onto Canada’s government.

In Religion, we are having the 8th commandment test on Wednesday. It is Lutheran schools week and we will spend time each day reading devotions.  Our class will be leading Chapel on Wednesday, February 2nd.  You are welcome to join us.

Scholastic orders are due no later than Thursday , January 28th.

Have a great week!