We have a busy week planned….

Religion: Love We will create hallway displays that focus on ways to show love and where in the Bible it talks about each trait.
ELA: Storyworks –and begin reading The Cricket in Times Square.
How To Steal a Dog choice project due Thursday. No spelling
Grammar: Proper Nouns, Singular and Plural Nouns
Vocabulary: Text Unit 4
Writing: Opinion writing: Best country to take a vacation. Due Fri.
SS: Ch 3 Settling the Colonies in North America. Homework Packet- due Friday
Science: Unit 2: Vocabulary quiz Friday.
Math: Ch. 14: Add and Subtract Decimals: Quiz 2/5, test 2/6

This week I have been thinking about the verse: This is my command- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
God commands us to have courage and not fear. He doesn’t tell us if we want to we should trust Him and not be afraid. He commands it of us, and then reminds us that HE is with us always. He even says that He is the Lord-our God. So often, I forget God’s promises, power, and mercy and cling to fear or dicouragemnent. Keeping this verse in mind helps me rely on Him….Just something to think about.

It’s spirit week…Each day is a free dress down day.
Have a great week. Thank you for your support.
Mrs. Lively