We are finishing up certain chapters and units in our academic subject areas so that we can make a fresh new start in 2016! 

It was so nice to see so many of my students and their families at Barnes & Noble last Friday night.  What a great event for our school!

We will be doing our Secret Santa gift exchange this Wednesday and on Friday morning we will have our class Christmas celebration.  thank you to Mrs. Agard and Mrs. Fuhrer for organizing this!

Week:  December 14-18

Spelling: Christmas Spelling Challenge

Grammar: Review pronouns, test Thursday

Reading: Book reports on our favorite Christmas stories

Writing: Christmas family traditions

Math: Test on Chapter 4


Social Studies:  Test on Chapter 4

Religion: daily devotions, weekly Dear God letters


  • Wednesday – Math, Chapter 4
  • Friday – Social Studies, Chapter 4


  • Math Extra Help WEDNESDAY this week at 7:45
  • The Secret Santa gifts exchange is Wednesday
  • Friday our class Christmas party
  • Next week our Christmas vacation will begin on Wednesday, December 23rd

This week’s prayer video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJ_MGWio-vc