Here’s what is going on in 5A:
Spelling: Words from Woods Runner: test Friday
S.S.: We are finishing the movie Johnny Tremain and will begin ch. 11: The Constitution of the United States. The test: 4/2.
Science: test ch. 8 Tuesday. Ch. 9: Earth’s Changing Surface. Test 3/28.
Math: Use basic facts to estimate quotients with two digit divisors. Use basic facts to appropriate quotients with two digit divisors, partial quotients and multi-digit whole number division. Test Thursday: 3/27.
Reading; We are reading a historical fiction book titled Woods Runner by Gary Paulson. We will be completing comprehension questions and a writing activity. Your child will be asked to read a number of chapters at home on various evenings. Please be sure he/she is completing the reading.
Writing: We are practicing a few ways to organize paragraph writing and will be writing on various topics.
Bible: Verse test 3/26. Matthew 25:23a. We are discussing honesty and will be seeing what the Bible has to say about this.